Some think that Salmond’s rather
Others that Sturgeon’s a tasty dishy
If Alistair’s a Darling (now and
It’s clearly time to pen
a thought or two upon the vex-ed
that on one day we can all voice.
It’s ‘Aye’ or ‘Nae’ – it’s really
So why’s this choice make us so
Can it be that some who stand
And talk about this lovely land
That all agree is fair (but breezy)
Seem to have found a new dimension
Where true and false get equal
‘The Heart’ gets talked of more and
So maybe ‘999’s the score
As off to A&E we rush
To get our bodies through the crush
of folk with ECGs to get
And have their voting worries met
So hearts can pulse at slower rate
Whilst Heads get back to dominate
But can our Heads get what they need
From politicians and their creed
Of truth and numbers that make sense
Or do we, baffled, just dispense
with all the guff that’s shoved at
by the Great & (maybe) Good
And just tell them ‘Shove it, Bud’
So what’s to do for good and all?
Our children will take rise or fall
Not us old folk – we’re fine as such
The young and those with not so much
are those who’ll get the lion’s
Of good or bad and have to care
Of life and all that future holds
The ups, the downs, the warms, the
So do we vote or walk away
Do we take part or at home stay
Do we rebuke both Red and Blue
Who really don’t have any clue
(As neither do those of other hue)
Or do we take a near-blind punt
and put ourselves out at the front
of those who just take all they hear
and put a cross and hold their fear
There’s them as wants to be apart
from those they think don’t let them
to be themselves and do their best
at life and love and all the rest
And then there’s them as don’t want
It worries nerves with future strange
When continuity is king
and promises seem empty ring
So tell the ones who (think they)
That WE’RE the ones who make the
what it is for them to run
And get together from now on
Whate’er our views before the vote
Whate’er we said, whate’er we wrote
Howe’er we see our neighbours face
Howe’er we think about our place
and make our land be free of doubt
and learn to work out what our clout
REALLY can be once it’s done,